Workshop on Psychological, Economic, and
Environmental Rationality 2008 (PEER2008)

January 24, 2008, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayma Campus

Dear presenters at PEER2008 Workshop,
Let me start with expressing my gratefulness for your active commitment to PEER2008.
Turned out, the workshop counted 57 participants, representing 19 institutions and 7 nationalities.
We had had a close and convivial gathering.

Please note some scenes from the workshop. The first announcement of the workshop stated:
"We at Tokyo Institute of Technology are looking forward to an intellectually stimulating day."
Let me say that your participation and enthusiasm for research made this dream come true,
and we at Tokyo Tech are looking forward to hosting similar workshop in the future, and welcoming you again.

Kimihiko Yamagishi
Program Committee Chair, PEER2008 Workshop
January 25, 2008


Graduate School of Decision Sciences & Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, hosts Workshop on Psychological, Economic, and Environmental Rationality 2008 (PEER2008), in cooperation with the center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max Planck Institute for Human Development. The workshop aims at exchanging cutting-edge research findings regarding rationality, very broadly defined, in contexts of economics, psychology, environmental sciences, evolutionary sciences, and related disciplines. The workshop meets on January 24, 2008, at Tokyo Institute of Technology, West 9 Building. No advance registration is necessary, and everyone is welcome. We at Tokyo Institute of Technology are looking forward to an intellectually stimulating day.

For inquiries please contact:


Noboru Hidano, Workshop Chair

Kimihiko Yamagishi, Program Committee

東京工業大学・大学院社会理工学研究科は、 マックスプランク研究所(ベルリン)からゲスト参加者を招いて、 Psychological, Economic,and Environmental Rationality Workshop 2008 (PEER2008) を開催いたします。2008年1月24日、東工大、大岡山キャンパスの西9号館で、 10時から開催し、ランチタイムにはポスターセッションも行います。
 合理性の様々な側面について、経済学、意思決定論、認知科学等の様々な分野での 研究成果や意見を交換する機会です。事前登録も参加費も特に必要ありませんので、お時間の都合の付く方は、 どうぞご参加ください。



    大会委員長 肥田野登

 プログラム委員長 山岸侯彦



For a short program PDF, click HERE

For a program PDF with full abstracts, click HERE


Access to Tokyo Tech, West 9 Building (Number 28 on the list):
